
Effective for improving abnormal liver function, treating alcoholic liver and fatty liver


We live in an industrial environment where our bodies are subjected to the pressures of modern industries everyday due to air pollution, food and environmental pollution, alcoholic liver injury, liver injury from chemical industries and chemical liver injury.

Liver needs to be taken good care of due to its significant roles in the body system. The liver is the body’s most important metabolic and detoxifying organ. It plays a significant role in the hematopoietic and circulatory system of the human body. It contains cells that destroy any disease causing agents in the body, it creates coagulants that ease blood clotting and helps to filter the blood.

Lirich is a Traditional Chinese Medicine prepared from active ingredients include Kudzuvine Root, Bitter Cardamon, Denrobium Officinale, Fructus Amomi, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae and Mint which make the medicine effective for liver nourishment and fighting against all these deviations mentioned above.


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